Monday 3 December 2012




Gabriela Gedeonova

Facebook and Twitter are two of the best innovations of the past few years.


List the benefits and drawbacks of these innovations and state, in light of the benefits and drawbacks you identify, whether or not you agree with this statement. 



I use Facebook in terms of connecting with my own life- my past and my present, my family and my friends. Twitter is more about meeting people who are complete strangers to me and having conversation which can be very quickly forgotten or this stranger will become my friend due to same interest or hobby.

Facebook is a way of connecting with friends but it can also be use as a bullies’ tool. Its privacy is very poor so therefor anyone can message you or tag you in the picture you most likely want to forget. Twitter on the other hand is a faster way of communication with tweets all over the place but has no privacy and anybody can follow you. I am not the fan either of these social media. Yes, they both can be very effective tools if you properly use them but they becoming more popular with youngster who hid behind the screen and forgetting how to socialize face to face. We are judge on how many friends we have, who is following us, pictures we post but reality can be totally different. Some people use these to create the fake life and forget how to live the real one.


Remember to take note and reference any sources used.   (200 words) (5%)

PDP element                                                                                                


Explain how you have/or you could use social media and technology creatively to promote yourself to a prospective employer?                      (100 words) (2%)




Social media and technology can not only help me to promote myself to a prospective employer by showcasing my professional network membership or what I am all about outside of work but also how I will be able to use it on behalf of my employer and his business. Also being able to follow company on social networking will show my commitment and interest within the business and allows me to show off some of my work and ideas. Using LinkedIn and to create my profiles will show a level of my seriousness about my career.





Please prepare your answers (for discussion) prior to your tutorial w/c 26 November.


You should post these blog answers directly into your Google blog site on or before Friday 7 December.



  • Small Business in a Big World, Should I Use Facebook or Twitter?, May 23, 2011

[Accessed 26 November 2012]


  • Twitip, Twitter versus Facebook: Should you Choose One?

[Online] Available 

            [Accessed 26 November 2012]

Sunday 25 November 2012


Topic 6 - Blog Questions
Gabriela Gedeonova


1.     What percentage of the world’s population uses the internet?



Internet users in the world are:

·        Asia- 44.8%

·        Europe- 21,5%

·        North America- 11,4%

·        Lat America/ Caribb- 10,4%

·        Africa- 7%

·        Middle East- 3,7%

·        Oceania/ Australia- 1%

The Internet is still growing, but broadband needs to developed further, reduced its price rates before grow rate increase all over the world.


2.     What percentage of UK on-line advertising spends is spent on ‘search advertising’?



High internet take-up counts for nearly 30% of advertising spend on internet advertising. In the UK  its 28,7 %  driven by high level of credit cards owners, high level of trust in online payments and launch of major online shopping services e.g. Amazon.


3.     Who is comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) and what is their significance?



It is a provider of on- demand digital analytics solution to help its customers keep informed, data-driven decisions and apply digital business strategies. They can look deep insights into consumer behaviour through their usage of online properties, demographic characteristics, attitudes, lifestyles and offline behaviour, and use its platform to measure, analyze and report on digital activity.


4.     Name the top 3 most widely accessed blogs in the world?



Huffington Post by founder Arianna Huffington and her three partners, Mashable by Pete Cashmore started in 2005 and TMZ- Thirty Mile Zone by NewsWeek are the most popular and visited bloggers in world.


5.     Give the names of two Online Business Alliances operated by airlines?



The Star Alliance, world’s largest airline alliance include total of 26 airlines and started in 1997 when a group of 5 airlines came together to create program that unified everything about flying.


(Total Marks 5%)

Each question answers should be no more than 50 words long.



A.   These questions should be researched and answered before your tutorial session which will take place, week commencing 19th November.  Remember to take a note of, and properly reference your sources.


B.   You will key this information directly into your Google blog site after you set it up.


These answers should be posted onto your Google blog site on or before Friday 30 November.








·        Top 10 Best Blogs-Most Popular Bloggers 2012, Most Popular Bloggers In The World- 2012 by Vijay Lamba, Sunday, August 28, 2011

[Online] Available 

[Accessed 19 November 2012]


·        Internet World Stats, INTERNET USAGE STATISTICS The Internet Big Picture World Internet Users and Population Stats

[Online] Available 

[Accessed 19 November 2012]


·        Ofcom, Nearly 30% of advertising spend in the UK is on internet advertising

[Online] Available 

[Accessed 19 November 2012]


·        About.Com Business Travel, Star Alliance – Member Airlines, by David Kelly

[Online] Available 

[Accessed 19 November 2012]


·        Google- Finance, COMSCORE, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCOR)

[Online] Available 

[Accessed 19 November 2012]


Friday 16 November 2012


Topic 5 – Blog Questions

Gabriela Gedeonova



1.     Who invented hypertext?                                                 (1 mark)



Vannevar Bush was the first inventor of the principles underlying modern hypertext research.  Than in 1960 graduate student at Harvard, Ted Nelson invented Xanadu system for a term project computer-based hypertext. Later on in 1965 he coined the term hypertext and presented the system at a national conference of the Association for Computing Machinery,  but Bush’ foundation helped Tim Berner-Lee and others to invent Hypertext Markup Languge, Hypertext Transfer Protocol and Universal Resource Locators in 1990.


2.     At its peak in the 1990’s what percentage of the browser market

did Netscape have compared to Microsoft?                          (1 Mark)



In the 1990’s the Netscape was used by more than 90 percent of people surfing the web and by summer of 1995 Netscape had as much as an 80%+ market share.


3.     Why did Netscape sue Microsoft?                                                             (1 mark)



Netscape filed a civil suit against Microsoft for anti-social behaviour, by undermine AOL’s Netscape internet browser, by giving their own browser away for free and by this, they try to dominate the market in operating systems to restrict others competition and promoted its own browser.  Netscape also required for an injunction against Microsoft’s alleged antitrust violations for the present and in the future. This injunction could change the way the high-tech market looks and improve the nature of competition.




4.     What was the dot com crash?                                                     (2 Marks)     



The dot-com boom was  known  as investment bubble that formed around Internet companies, which encourage many investor to pour money into new created company on internet within very little planning. This follow by the dot-com crash after many of these businesses proved to be unprofitable and investor started to cut off funding which lead to failure of these companies. 


Each question answers should be no more than 50 words long except question 3 which should be no more than 100 words.

5.     As part of your PDP, how important do you think information and information systems are to your main subject area(s) and your future chosen career?



Information technology plays increasingly important role in business so therefore many employees looking for people with experience to handle this information and to be able to used them within their business.  So gaining some knowledge will help me in the future to find the job in the industry I find exciting.  Also staying current on trends in technology and the changing online environment will help me to secure job in the future as many employers believe that having good knowledge is very essential part of keeping their company competitive in the fast forward world of technology and in the age of Internet.


Your answer should be no more than 100 words long. (Total Marks 2%)


A.    These questions should be researched and answered before your tutorial session which will take place, week commencing 5th November.  Remember to take a note of, and properly reference your sources.

B.     Be aware that these are assessments and contribute to your final mark for this module. 

C.     Make sure you put your NAME and BANNER number on your work.





·        Orality and Hypertext: An Interview with Ted Nelson, by Jim Whitehead

[Online] Available  


·        The History of HTML, , Guide, by Mary Bellis

[Online] Available  


·        Inventor of the Week Archive,  Vanner Bush, Hypertext, September 2002,

[Online] Available, [Accessed 07 November 2012]


·        TheNonProfitTimes, Netscape Users: Migrate Data Now

[Online] Available  


·        BBC News, AOL Time Warner sues Microsoft, Wednesday, 23 January, 2002, 05:36 GMT

[Online] Available  


·        AOL's Netscape sues Microsoft, by Joe Wilcox, January 22, 2002 4:20 PM PST

[Online] Available, [Accessed 07 November 2012]


·        Techopedia, Dot-Com Boom, by Cory Janssen

[Online] Available  


Monday 29 October 2012


Creativity and Technology in Business



Gabriela Gedeonova



A         Mini Case Study 

Recently, Kathy Smith, a project manager for a large industrial construction company was assigned to oversee a multi-million-pound factory in Spain.  Kathy had earned this assignment after completing a number of smaller assignments in the UK over the past three years.  This was her first overseas assignment and she was eager to make a good impression, particularly given the size and scope of the project.  Successfully completing this project would increase her visibility within the organisation dramatically and earmark her as a candidate for upper management.  Kathy had good project management skills; in particular, she was organised and highly self-motivated.  Team members at her last two project assignments used to joke that just trying to keep up with her was a full-time job!


Kathy wasted no time settling into oversee the development of the new development.  Operating under her normal work approach, Kathy routinely required her staff and the senior members of the project team to work long hours, ignoring weekend breaks if important milestones were coming up, and generally adopting a round-the-clock work approach for the project.  Unfortunately, in merely expecting her team, made up of local residents, to change their work habits to accommodate her expectations, Kathy completely misread these individuals.  They bitterly resented her overbearing style, unwillingness to consult them on key questions, and aloof nature. Rather than directly confront her, however, team members began a campaign of passive resistance to her leadership.  They would purposely drag their feet on important assignments or cite insurmountable problems when none, in fact, existed.  Kathy’s standard response was to push herself and her project team harder, barraging subordinates with increasingly urgent communications demanding faster performance.  To her bewilderment, nothing seemed to work.  The project became quickly bogged down due to poor team performance and ended up costing the project organisation large financial penalties for late delivery.  Kathy might have many traits that worked in her favour, but she was seriously lacking in the ability to recognise the feelings and expectations of others and take them into consideration.


1        Discuss how Kathy lacked sufficient emotional intelligence to be effective in her new project manager assignment.


2        Of the various elements of emotional intelligence, which element(s) did she appear to exhibit successfully?  What evidence can you provide to support this?



Kathy is self aware of her goals and what she wants to achieve within the company.  Her self- motivation and strong working ethics is benefitting her success in UK as we are culturally driven by big achievements and wealth. Because she has been with company in UK for 3 years she is fully aware of working ethics and culture she works in, she has ability to think before she acts and avoid unnecessary behaviour from her colleagues. Being made to oversee a big project abroad is reflection on her hard work and motivation within the company and her deduction is believe to help her to achieve a success of it but also these strong factors can play against her in the new environment. Working oversee with new culture background  and working ethics with different employees rights proved to create  difficulties to achieve what was expecting from her as she didn’t manage to develop social skills within this environment which could be useful in achieving the goal and move people in direction she thought is desirable.


B         IT Question

Management and leadership of the project management process require good communication.

Given that good communication plays a key role in the success of any project, the main methods of communication and how can IT and applications contribute what are?                                             (A and B – 200 words max in total   = 5%)



Main methods of communication are oral, written and body language. But within an organisation we constantly are using some form of communication or another to send a message across. Using the internet for purpose of sending or receiving an email, video conferencing, getting the customers reviews and opinions and many other non direct communication skills through IT and its application became major role of carry the business in right direction, avoiding obstacles faster and dealing with situation more efficiently.


C         PDP element of you Blog

With reference to each of the 5 traits of emotional intelligence, give examples of situations where you have displayed/or could have displayed each of these of traits. This can be either in personal, academic or career circumstances or a mix of these.                                                                     (100 words max = 2%)



Working in hospitality for a past 10 years I have learn that being a manager is not just about giving orders, but also to try and learn the business background and goals, understand cultural differences within working environment, and also customers’ and employees needs. Also knowing what you are trying to achieve in your workplace and improving your skills daily plays a major factor of developing emotionally.  I believe that I have very strong working ethic so when I was promoted to assistant manager in restaurant I have been working for 3 years I thought that everybody will be same but after a few unsuccessful attempts, I was giving a wise advice from a friend. Not everyone is like you, people are different, and they have a different needs and qualities. Now I try to understand their strengths and weaknesses and work with that or around with the best potential outcome I can get.